Our Features

Booking Calendar

Manage your business from a single platform so you can run day-to-day operations more effectively and efficiently.

Channel Manager

Connect your booking portals and synchronize all your data into a single platform to eliminate booking nightmares and improve occupancy rate.

Site Builder

Enjoy the freedom and ease to create and customize your own professional website that looks phenomenal on every device.


Gain actionable insights into user behavior and intent to uncover the most effective ways to engage and retain guests.

Site Builder

Build a Stunning Website that Converts

Creating a solid online presence has never been easier. Our site builder equips you with all the tools you need to create and maintain a strong online presence. Even without coding skills, you can build stunning websites that convert. We offer professionally-made templates that will make your brand stand out. Along with our easy-to-use tools, you can design and deploy engaging user-friendly websites in as little as 15 minutes.

Don’t have the time or energy to design your own website? We have a talented team of designers who can customize a website just for you in less than 24 hours for FREE.

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Booking Calendar

Manage Your Business from a Single Platform

Run your business more effectively by automating mundane day-to-day operations. Our online booking calendar lets you manage your bookings, messages, customer's reviews, emails, and more—all from a simple yet very powerful platform. Make daily operations more convenient for you and your team so you can focus on what’s more important—enhancing the customer experience. With our booking calendar, you can organize, monitor, and enhance your business with ease.

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Channel Manager

Engage and Grow Your Audience

Eliminate back and forth emails, and make the booking process so much simpler for your potential guests and your team. Avoid nightmares such as double bookings to improve occupancy rates and build trust. Let your audience know that your brand is reliable and trustworthy.

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Create Meaningful Guest Experiences

Gain actionable insights into your guests’ needs and digital behavior to improve outcomes. Our analytics solution provides you with relevant data to fully understand your ideal audience. We can give you a holistic view of your platform’s analytics, including page views, website traffic, sales, and conversions. Every website comes with basic analytics tools that can help you build meaningful guest experiences and enhance your prominence online.

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Our Packages

Small $5/month
Fixed monthly price with no commission
Up to 2 properties
Up to 5 rentals
Free custom sub-domain
Booking calendar
Syncing with booking sites
Free help with most things - just ask
Try Free Now
Medium $15/month
Fixed monthly price with no commission
Up to 5 properties
Up to 15 rentals
Free custom sub-domain
Booking calendar
Syncing with booking sites
Free help with most things - just ask
Try Free Now
Large $50/month
Fixed monthly price with no commission
Up to 15 properties
Up to 45 rentals
Free custom sub-domain
Booking calendar
Syncing with booking sites
Free help with most things - just ask
Try Free Now

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